Taxonomy Display 7.x-1.x, YYYY-MM-DD ------------------------------------ Taxonomy Display 7.x-1.0, 2011-10-10 ------------------------------------ Issue #1305682 by codycraven: Add CTools term page display plugin. Issue #1304536 by codycraven: Make compatible with CTools' page manager. Issue #1231090 by Jose Reyero, codycraven: Send term page title through internationalization taxonomy, if it exists. Issue #1231090 by codycraven: Added alter hook in core breadcrumb handler to support manipulating term parents. Taxonomy Display 7.x-1.0-rc4, 2011-09-11 ---------------------------------------- Issue #1275596 by codycraven, vito_swat: Fixed associated content views plugin not passing term id argument correctly. Taxonomy Display 7.x-1.0-rc3, 2011-09-09 ---------------------------------------- Removed validated todo. Removed CVS "; $Id$" from files. Issue #1274870 by codycraven: Fixed views plugin reporting error when no result. Issue #1261270 by codycraven: Added caching to fetch taxonomy display settings. Taxonomy Display 7.x-1.0-rc2, 2011-08-17 ---------------------------------------- Issue #1252504 by codycraven: Fixed typo in taxonomy_display_fetch_taxonomy_display() causing undefined index errors when the vocabulary has not had taxonomy display settings saved. Taxonomy Display 7.x-1.0-rc1, 2011-08-17 ---------------------------------------- Issue #1252368 by codycraven: Fixed vocabulary machine name not updating in taxonomy_display table on change. Issue #1247802 by codycraven: Added plugin support for taxonomy breadcrumbs. Issue #1237136 by codycraven: Expose term object on term page to altering. Issue #1230200 by R.Muilwijk: Fixed exported views not recognized. Issue #1231346 by codycraven: Remove the ability to select whether taxonomy term's fields should be displayed even if the description field is empty, now in core. Issue #1188126 by scuba_fly: Added spaces to two lines for coding standards. Taxonomy Display 7.x-1.0-beta1, 2011-05-09 ------------------------------------------ Issue #1143628 by codycraven, vito_swat: Fixed $form_state values failing to be provided to TaxonomyDisplayHandlerForm::formFieldset() implementations when Ajax is being used in the implementation. Issue #1143622 by codycraven, vito_swat: Fixed inability to enable/disable term page displays when Display Suite is not installed/enabled. Taxonomy Display 7.x-1.0-alpha2, 2011-04-18 ------------------------------------------- Issue #1126052 by codycraven: Added option for administrator to omit RSS feeds from being generated automatically on taxonomy term pages. Issue #1124168 by codycraven: Fixed fatal error on taxonomy term display page configuration when Display Suite not installed and enabled. Issue #1122992 by codycraven: Fixed fatal error on taxonomy term display page configuration when no taxonomy display yet exists. Taxonomy Display 7.x-1.0-alpha1, 2011-04-04 ------------------------------------------- Added taxonomy_display.api.php to define the hook invocations and alters created by taxonomy_display. Also modified taxonomy_display_save_taxonomy_display() to make altering less resource intensive. Added missing plugin support and resolved errors when a term is viewed and the vocabulary does not have any taxonomy_display settings. Taxonomy Display Sandbox ------------------------ Made a bunch of commits no one cares about, it is a sandbox module after all. Added CHANGELOG.txt Initial commit.