condition('name', 'superfish_%%', 'LIKE')->execute(); db_delete('block')->condition('module', 'superfish')->execute(); db_delete('block_role')->condition('module', 'superfish')->execute(); } /** * Implements hook_enable(). */ function superfish_enable() { if (superfish_library_check()){ drupal_set_message(t('In order to use Superfish, go to the Blocks page and enable a Superfish block.', array('@block' => 'structure/block'))); } else { drupal_set_message(t('Superfish library is missing. Please refer to the plugin documentation for how you can fix this issue; Once done, go to the Blocks page and enable a Superfish block.', array('@documentation' => '', '@block' => 'structure/block')), 'warning'); } } /** * Implements hook_requirements(). */ function superfish_requirements($phase) { $requirements = array(); if ($phase == 'runtime') { // Ensure translations do not break at install time. $t = get_t(); // Ensure the Superfish library is present. $requirements['superfish']['title'] = $t('Superfish library'); if (superfish_library_check()) { $requirements['superfish']['value'] = $t('Installed'); $requirements['superfish']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; } else { $requirements['superfish']['value'] = $t('Not installed'); $requirements['superfish']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $requirements['superfish']['description'] = $t('Please download the Superfish library from !link.', array('!link' => l($t('Superfish project homepage'), ''))); } // Check the uploaded Superfish library version. if (superfish_library_version() != '1.2') { $requirements['superfish']['value'] = $t('Not supported'); $requirements['superfish']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; $requirements['superfish']['description'] = $t('The Superfish library requires an update. You can find the update instructions on !link.', array('!link' => l($t('Superfish project homepage'), ''))); } } return $requirements; } /** * Verifies Superfish library is present. */ function superfish_library_check() { if (function_exists('libraries_get_libraries')) { $library = libraries_get_libraries(); if (isset($library['superfish'])) { return TRUE; } } elseif (file_exists('sites/all/libraries/superfish/superfish.js') || file_exists('profiles/' . drupal_get_profile() . '/libraries/superfish/superfish.js')) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * A function to check the Superfish library version. */ function superfish_library_version() { // Ensure the Libraries API module is installed and working. if (module_exists('libraries') && function_exists('libraries_get_path') && libraries_get_path('superfish') != '') { $directory = libraries_get_path('superfish'); } // Otherwise use the default directory. elseif (file_exists('profiles/' . drupal_get_profile() . '/libraries/superfish')) { $directory = 'profiles/' . drupal_get_profile() . '/libraries/superfish'; } else { $directory = 'sites/all/libraries/superfish'; } // Get the library version. if (file_exists($directory . '/VERSION')) { $version = file_get_contents($directory . '/VERSION'); // Removing blank lines and white spaces. $version = preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", trim($version)); if (!empty($version)) { return $version; } else { return ''; } } else { return ''; } } /** * Implements hook_update_N(). */ function superfish_update_7100() { }