'skins', ); } /** * Implements hook_skinr_skin_info(). */ function skinr_ui_test_skinr_skin_info() { $skins['skinr_ui_test_bgcolor'] = array( 'title' => t('Background color'), 'type' => 'select', 'group' => 'general', 'default status' => 1, 'options' => array( 'bgcolor_red' => array( 'title' => 'Red', 'class' => array('bgcolor-red'), ), ), ); $skins['skinr_ui_test_border'] = array( 'title' => t('Border'), // Use an invalid type name. 'type' => 'invalid', // Use a different group than the skin before to test for output of an empty group. 'group' => 'box', 'default status' => 1, 'options' => array( 'border_1' => array( 'title' => 'Thin border', 'class' => array('border-1'), ), ), ); $skins['skinr_ui_test_color'] = array( 'title' => t('Color'), 'type' => 'checkboxes', 'group' => 'general', 'theme hooks' => array('block__system', 'comment_wrapper__page', 'node__page'), 'default status' => 1, 'options' => array( 'color_white' => array( 'title' => 'White', 'class' => array('color-white'), ), ), ); $skins['skinr_ui_test_custom'] = array( 'title' => t('Custom'), 'form callback' => 'skinr_ui_test_skinr_skinr_ui_test_custom_form', 'group' => 'general', 'theme hooks' => array('block__system', 'comment_wrapper__page', 'node__page'), 'default status' => 1, 'options' => array( 'custom' => array( 'class' => array('custom'), ), ), ); return $skins; } function skinr_ui_test_skinr_skinr_ui_test_custom_form($form, $form_state, $context) { $form = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => t('Custom'), '#options' => array( 'custom' => t('Custom'), ), ); return $form; }