settings; $form = array(); $form['block']['bid'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#options' => quicktabs_get_blocks(), '#default_value' => isset($tab['bid']) ? $tab['bid'] : '', '#title' => t('Select a block'), ); $form['block']['hide_title'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Hide the title of this block'), '#default_value' => isset($tab['hide_title']) ? $tab['hide_title'] : 1, ); return $form; } public function render($hide_empty = FALSE, $args = array()) { if ($this->rendered_content) { return $this->rendered_content; } $output = array(); $item = $this->settings; if (!empty($args)) { // The args have been passed in from an ajax request. $qt_name = array_shift($args); list($item['bid'], $item['hide_title']) = $args; // Ensure the block is assigned to the requested quicktabs block. This test prevents // AJAX access to blocks that have not been added to an AJAX-enabled quicktabs block. $break = TRUE; $quicktabs = quicktabs_load($qt_name); // Ensure AJAX is enabled for the quicktabs block. if (!empty($quicktabs) && $quicktabs->ajax == 1) { // Ensure the requested tab has been added to the quicktabs block. foreach ($quicktabs->tabs as $quicktab) { if (isset($quicktab['bid']) && ($quicktab['bid'] == $item['bid'])) { $break = FALSE; break; } } } if ($break == TRUE) { if (!$hide_empty) { $output['#markup'] = theme('quicktabs_tab_access_denied', $item); } return $output; } } if (isset($item['bid'])) { if (module_exists('block')) { $pos = strpos($item['bid'], '_delta_'); $module = drupal_substr($item['bid'], 0, $pos); $delta = drupal_substr($item['bid'], $pos + 7); // Make sure the user can access the block. if ($this->accessBlock($module, $delta)) { $block = block_load($module, $delta); $block->region = 'quicktabs_tabpage'; if ($block_arr = _block_render_blocks(array($block))) { if ($item['hide_title']) { $block_arr["{$block->module}_{$block->delta}"]->subject = FALSE; } if (!empty($block_arr["{$block->module}_{$block->delta}"]->content)) { $build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_arr); $output = $build; } } } elseif (!$hide_empty) { $output['#markup'] = theme('quicktabs_tab_access_denied', $item); } } elseif (!$hide_empty) { $output['#markup'] = t('Block module is not enabled, cannot display content.'); } } $this->rendered_content = $output; return $output; } public function getAjaxKeys() { return array('bid', 'hide_title'); } public function getUniqueKeys() { return array('bid'); } /** * Checks if the current user can access a block. */ private function accessBlock($module, $delta) { // Get current user's rids. global $user; $rids = array_keys($user->roles); // Get authorized rids. $authorized_rids = db_select('block_role', 'br') ->fields('br', array('rid')) ->condition('module', $module, '=') ->condition('delta', $delta, '=') ->execute() ->fetchCol('rid'); // Return whether the user can access the block: // - Either all roles have access - no record in {block_role} // - Or only specific roles have access - in which case rids should match. return (count($authorized_rids) == 0) || (count(array_intersect($authorized_rids, $rids)) != 0); } }