TRUE, 'title' => t('Profile category'), 'icon' => 'icon_user.png', 'description' => t('Contents of a single profile category.'), 'required context' => new ctools_context_required(t('User'), 'user'), 'category' => t('User'), 'defaults' => array('category' => '', 'empty' => ''), 'hook theme' => 'ctools_profile_fields_content_type_theme', ); } /** * 'Render' callback for the 'profile fields' content type. */ function ctools_profile_fields_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, $panel_args, $context) { $account = isset($context->data) ? clone $context->data : NULL; $block = new stdClass(); $block->module = 'profile fields'; if ($account) { // Get the category from the options. $category = str_replace("_", " ", $conf['category']); // Set the subject to the name of the category. $block->subject = $category; // Put all the fields in the category into an array. profile_view_profile($account); if (is_array($account->content[$category])) { foreach ($account->content[$category] as $field) { if (is_array($field['#attributes'])) { // @todo 'class' is *always* an array now. 04/10/2009 sun $vars[$field['#attributes']['class']]['title'] = $field['#title']; $vars[$field['#attributes']['class']]['value'] = $field['#value']; } } } if (count($vars) == 0) { // Output the given empty text. $output = $conf['empty']; } else { // Call the theme function with the field vars. $output = theme('profile_fields_pane', $category, $vars); } $block->content = $output; $block->delta = $account->uid; } else { $block->subject = $conf['category']; $block->content = t('Profile content goes here.'); $block->delta = 'unknown'; } return $block; } /** * Helper function : build the list of categories for the 'edit' form. */ function _ctools_profile_fields_options() { $cat_list = array(); $categories = profile_categories(); foreach ($categories as $key => $value) { $cat_list[str_replace(" ", "_", $value['name'])] = $value['title']; } return $cat_list; } /** * 'Edit' callback for the 'profile fields' content type. */ function ctools_profile_fields_content_type_edit_form($form, &$form_state) { $conf = $form_state['conf']; $form['category'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Which category'), '#options' => _ctools_profile_fields_options(), '#default_value' => $conf['category'], '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); $form['empty'] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => 'Empty text', '#description' => t('Text to display if category has no data. Note that title will not display unless overridden.'), '#rows' => 5, '#default_value' => $conf['empty'], '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', ); return $form; } function ctools_profile_fields_content_type_edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { // Copy everything from our defaults. foreach (array_keys($form_state['plugin']['defaults']) as $key) { $form_state['conf'][$key] = $form_state['values'][$key]; } } /** * 'Title' callback for the 'profile fields' content type. */ function ctools_profile_fields_content_type_admin_title($subtype, $conf, $context) { return t('"@s" profile fields', array('@s' => $conf['category'])); } function ctools_profile_fields_content_type_theme(&$theme, $plugin) { $theme['profile_fields_pane'] = array( 'variables' => array('category' => NULL, 'vars' => NULL), 'path' => $plugin['path'], 'template' => 'profile_fields_pane', ); }