'backup_migrate_drush_backup', 'description' => dt('Backup the site\'s database with Backup and Migrate.'), 'aliases' => array('bb'), 'examples' => array( 'drush bam-backup' => 'Backup the default database to the manual backup directory using the default settings.', 'drush bam-backup db scheduled mysettings' => 'Backup the database to the scheduled directory using a settings profile called "mysettings"', 'drush bam-backup files' => 'Backup the files directory to the manual directory using the default settings.', ), 'arguments' => array( 'source' => "Optional. The id of the source (usually a database) to backup. Use 'drush bam-sources' to get a list of sources. Defaults to 'db'", 'destination' => "Optional. The id of destination to send the backup file to. Use 'drush bam-destinations' to get a list of destinations. Defaults to 'manual'", 'profile' => "Optional. The id of a settings profile to use. Use 'drush bam-profiles' to get a list of available profiles. Defaults to 'default'", ), ); $items['bam-restore'] = array( 'callback' => 'backup_migrate_drush_restore', 'description' => dt('Restore the site\'s database with Backup and Migrate.'), 'arguments' => array( 'source' => "Required. The id of the source (usually a database) to restore the backup to. Use 'drush bam-sources' to get a list of sources. Defaults to 'db'", 'destination' => "Required. The id of destination to send the backup file to. Use 'drush bam-destinations' to get a list of destinations. Defaults to 'manual'", 'backup id' => "Required. The id of a backup file restore. Use 'drush bam-backups' to get a list of available backup files.", ), 'options' => array( 'yes' => 'Skip confirmation', ), ); $items['bam-destinations'] = array( 'callback' => 'backup_migrate_drush_destinations', 'description' => dt('Get a list of available destinations.'), ); $items['bam-sources'] = array( 'callback' => 'backup_migrate_drush_sources', 'description' => dt('Get a list of available sources.'), ); $items['bam-profiles'] = array( 'callback' => 'backup_migrate_drush_profiles', 'description' => dt('Get a list of available settings profiles.'), ); $items['bam-backups'] = array( 'callback' => 'backup_migrate_drush_destination_files', 'description' => dt('Get a list of previously created backup files.'), 'arguments' => array( 'destination' => "Optional. The id of destination to list backups from. Use 'drush bam-destinations' to get a list of destinations.", ), ); $items['bam-schedule'] = array( 'callback' => 'backup_migrate_drush_schedule', 'description' => dt('Backup using a specific schedule.'), 'arguments' => array( 'schedule_id' => dt('The ID of the schedule to run.'), ), ); $items['bam-schedules'] = array( 'callback' => 'backup_migrate_drush_schedules', 'description' => dt('Get a list of available schedules.'), ); return $items; } /** * Implements hook_drush_help(). */ function backup_migrate_drush_help($section) { switch ($section) { case 'drush:bam-backup': return dt("Backup the site's database using default settings."); case 'drush:bam-restore': return dt('Restore the site\'s database with Backup and Migrate.'); case 'drush:bam-destinations': return dt('Get a list of available destinations.'); case 'drush:bam-profiles': return dt('Get a list of available settings profiles.'); case 'drush:bam-backups': return dt('Get a list of previously created backup files.'); } } /** * Backup the default database. */ function backup_migrate_drush_backup($source_id = 'db', $destination_id = 'manual', $profile_id = 'default') { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/destinations.inc'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/profiles.inc'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/sources.inc'; // Set the message mode to logging. _backup_migrate_message_callback('_backup_migrate_message_drush'); if (!backup_migrate_get_source($source_id)) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not find the source '@source'. Try using 'drush bam-sources' to get a list of available sources or use 'db' to backup the Drupal database.", array('@source' => $source_id), 'error'); return; } if (!backup_migrate_get_destination($destination_id)) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not find the destination '@destination'. Try using 'drush bam-destinations' to get a list of available destinations.", array('@destination' => $destination_id), 'error'); return; } $settings = backup_migrate_get_profile($profile_id); if (!$settings) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not find the profile '@profile'. Try using 'drush bam-profiles' to get a list of available profiles.", array('@profile' => $profile_id), 'error'); return; } _backup_migrate_message('Starting backup...'); $settings->destination_id = $destination_id; $settings->source_id = $source_id; backup_migrate_perform_backup($settings); } /** * Backup using schedule. */ function backup_migrate_drush_schedule($schedule_id = '') { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/schedules.inc'; // Set the message mode to drush output. _backup_migrate_message_callback('_backup_migrate_message_drush'); if (!($schedule = backup_migrate_get_schedule($schedule_id))) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not find the schedule '@schedule'. Try using 'drush bam-schedules' to get a list of available schedules.", array('@schedule' => $schedule_id), 'error'); return; } if (!$schedule->enabled) { _backup_migrate_message("Nothing to do, the schedule '@schedule' is disabled.", array('@schedule' => $schedule_id), 'warning'); return; } _backup_migrate_message("Starting schedule '$schedule_id'..."); backup_migrate_schedule_run($schedule_id); } /** * Get a list of available destinations. */ function backup_migrate_drush_schedules() { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/schedules.inc'; $rows = array(array(dt('ID'), dt('Name'))); foreach (backup_migrate_get_schedules() as $schedule) { $rows[] = array( $schedule->get_id(), $schedule->get_name(), ); } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE, array(32, 32)); } /** * Restore to the default database. */ function backup_migrate_drush_restore($source_id = '', $destination_id = '', $file_id = '') { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/destinations.inc'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/profiles.inc'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/sources.inc'; // Set the message mode to drush output. _backup_migrate_message_callback('_backup_migrate_message_drush'); if (!backup_migrate_get_source($source_id)) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not find the source '@source'. Try using 'drush bam-sources' to get a list of available sources or use 'db' to backup the Drupal database.", array('@source' => $source_id), 'error'); return; } if (!$destination = backup_migrate_get_destination($destination_id)) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not find the destination '@destination'. Try using 'drush bam-destinations' to get a list of available destinations.", array('@destination' => $destination_id), 'error'); return; } elseif (!$file_id || !$file = backup_migrate_destination_get_file($destination_id, $file_id)) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not find the file '@file'. Try using 'drush bam-backups @destination' to get a list of available backup files in this destination destinations.", array('@destination' => $destination_id, '@file' => $file_id), 'error'); return; } drush_print(dt('Restoring will delete some or all of your data and cannot be undone. ALWAYS TEST YOUR BACKUPS ON A NON-PRODUCTION SERVER!')); if (!drush_confirm(dt('Are you sure you want to perform the restore?'))) { return drush_user_abort(); } _backup_migrate_message('Starting restore...'); $settings = array('source_id' => $source_id); backup_migrate_perform_restore($destination_id, $file_id, $settings); } /** * Get a list of available destinations. */ function backup_migrate_drush_destinations() { return _backup_migrate_drush_destinations('all'); } /** * Get a list of available sources. */ function backup_migrate_drush_sources() { return _backup_migrate_drush_sources('source'); } /** * Get a list of available destinations with the given op. */ function _backup_migrate_drush_destinations($op = NULL) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/destinations.inc'; $rows = array(array(dt('ID'), dt('Name'), dt('Operations'))); foreach (backup_migrate_get_destinations($op) as $destination) { $rows[] = array( $destination->get_id(), $destination->get_name(), implode(', ', $destination->ops()), ); } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE, array(32, 32)); } /** * Get a list of available destinations with the given op. */ function _backup_migrate_drush_sources($op = NULL) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/sources.inc'; $rows = array(array(dt('ID'), dt('Name'), dt('Operations'))); foreach (backup_migrate_get_sources($op) as $destination) { $rows[] = array( $destination->get_id(), $destination->get_name(), implode(', ', $destination->ops()), ); } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE, array(32, 32)); } /** * Get a list of available profiles. */ function backup_migrate_drush_profiles() { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/profiles.inc'; $rows = array(array(dt('ID'), dt('Name'))); foreach (backup_migrate_get_profiles() as $profile) { $rows[] = array( $profile->get_id(), $profile->get_name(), ); } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE, array(32, 32)); } /** * Get a list of files in a given destination. */ function backup_migrate_drush_destination_files($destination_id = NULL) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/destinations.inc'; $destinations = array(); // Set the message mode to drush output. _backup_migrate_message_callback('_backup_migrate_message_drush'); if ($destination_id && !$destination = backup_migrate_get_destination($destination_id)) { _backup_migrate_message("Could not find the destination '@destination'. Try using 'drush bam-destinations' to get a list of available destinations.", array('@destination' => $destination_id), 'error'); return; } // Single destination required. if ($destination) { $destinations = array($destination); } // List all destinations. else { $destinations = backup_migrate_get_destinations('list files'); } // Load all the files. $rows = $sort = array(); foreach ($destinations as $destination) { $destination->file_cache_clear(); $dest_files = $destination->list_files(); foreach ($dest_files as $id => $file) { $info = $file->info(); $rows[] = array( check_plain($info['filename']), $destination->get_id(), format_date($info['filetime'], 'small'), format_interval(time() - $info['filetime'], 1), format_size($info['filesize']), ); $sort[] = $info['filetime']; } } $headers = array( array( dt('Filename'), dt('Destination'), dt('Date'), dt('Age'), dt('Size'), ), ); if (count($rows)) { array_multisort($sort, SORT_DESC, $rows); drush_print_table(array_merge($headers, $rows), TRUE); } else { drush_print(dt('There are no backup files to display.')); } } /** * Send a message to the drush log. */ function _backup_migrate_message_drush($message, $replace, $type) { // If this is an error use drush_set_error to notify the end user and set the // exit status. if ($type == 'error') { drush_set_error(strip_tags(dt($message, $replace))); } else { // Use drush_log to display to the user. drush_log(strip_tags(dt($message, $replace)), str_replace('status', 'notice', $type)); } // Watchdog log the message as well for admins. _backup_migrate_message_log($message, $replace, $type); }